Factors Influencing the Decision on Diversion in Kenya

The decision on whether to divert a case from traditional prosecution in Kenya is a multifaceted process that considers various factors.

This article delves into the two overarching categories of criteria that guide Public Prosecutors in making informed decisions on diversion, highlighting the complexities involved in balancing offender-focused and offense-focused considerations.

Offender-Focused Criteria

Circumstances of the Offender

  • Consideration: Public Prosecutors assess the individual circumstances of the offender.
  • Rationale: Understanding the context of the offender’s life allows for a more nuanced evaluation, considering factors that may have contributed to the offense.

Proportionality of Conviction Impact

  • Consideration: Whether the impact of a conviction on the offender would be disproportionate to the nature of the offense.
  • Rationale: Recognizing the potential consequences of a criminal record, this criterion aims to ensure that the punishment aligns with the severity of the offense and promotes fairness.

Offense-Focused Criteria

Seriousness of the Offense Type

  • Consideration: The overall gravity of the type of offense committed.
  • Rationale: Distinguishing between offense types allows for a tiered approach to diversion, considering the varying degrees of severity in different categories of offenses.

Circumstances of the Offending

  • Consideration: Examining the specific circumstances surrounding the commission of the offense.
  • Rationale: Understanding the context in which the offense occurred provides valuable insights into the motivations and mitigating factors that may influence the decision on diversion.

Victim’s Views on Diversion

  • Consideration: Public Prosecutors take into account the victim’s perspective on diversion and available options.
  • Rationale: Acknowledging the rights and concerns of victims ensures that the diversion decision considers the impact on those directly affected by the offense.

Investigating Officer’s Views on Diversion

  • Consideration: The perspectives of the investigating officer regarding diversion and available options.
  • Rationale: Input from law enforcement professionals provides additional insights into the case, enhancing the overall understanding of its complexities.

Balancing Act

Holistic Decision-Making

The decision on diversion is a balancing act, taking into account both offender-focused and offense-focused criteria. This holistic approach aims to strike a balance between accountability, rehabilitation, and the broader interests of justice.

Individualized Assessments

Each case is unique, and factors are weighed on an individual basis, allowing for tailored assessments that consider the specific circumstances of the offender and the details of the offense.


Kenya’s approach to the decision on diversion reflects a commitment to a justice system that considers the complexities of each case. By categorizing factors into offender-focused and offense-focused criteria, Public Prosecutors can make nuanced decisions that align with the principles of fairness, proportionality, and rehabilitation.

As Kenya continues to refine its diversion policies, the emphasis on a holistic and individualized approach serves as a foundation for a justice system that addresses the diverse needs of both offenders and society.