Change of Officers or Title of Office under Section 17 of the Societies Act in Kenya

Section 17 of the Societies Act in Kenya focuses on the requirement for registered societies to notify the Registrar of any changes in their officers or the titles of their offices.

This section underscores the importance of transparency and accountability within the leadership structures of registered societies. Let’s delve into the key provisions of Section 17.

Notification of Changes (Subsection 1)

Registered societies are obligated to provide notice in the prescribed form to the Registrar within fourteen days of any changes in officers or the titles of offices.

The notice must be signed by three officers of the society, emphasizing collective responsibility and ensuring that changes are communicated officially.

Offence for Non-Compliance (Subsection 2)

Failure to comply with the notification requirement outlined in Subsection 1 constitutes an offence.

Any registered society that neglects to provide notice of changes in officers or titles of offices within the specified timeframe is considered to be in violation of the Societies Act.

Significance of Section 17:

Timely Reporting of Changes

Section 17 ensures that any changes in the leadership structure or titles of offices within registered societies are promptly reported to the Registrar. This promotes transparency and keeps the Registrar informed of the current composition of society leadership.

Collective Responsibility

Requiring the notice to be signed by three officers emphasizes the collective responsibility of the leadership in ensuring that changes are accurately and officially communicated.

Legal Consequences for Non-Compliance

Designating non-compliance as an offence encourages registered societies to adhere to the prescribed requirements. The legal consequences serve as a deterrent, reinforcing the importance of notifying changes within the stipulated timeframe.


Section 17 of the Societies Act in Kenya establishes a clear framework for registered societies to report changes in their officers or the titles of their offices. This provision contributes to the overall accountability and transparency within registered societies, aligning with the legislative intent of maintaining an accurate and up-to-date registry.