Certified Firms’ Obligations in Nairobi International Financial Centre

Regulation 20 of the Nairobi International Financial Centre (NIFC) Regulations, 2021, underscores the importance of reporting as a crucial component of regulatory compliance.

This article explores the reporting obligations placed on certified firms within the NIFC, emphasizing the specified information and timelines set by the Authority.

Certified Firms’ Reporting Obligations

Authority’s Information Requirements

The Authority has the mandate to specify the information and reports that certified firms are required to provide. This ensures that the regulatory body has access to comprehensive and relevant data for effective supervision.

Timely Submission of Reports

Certified firms are obligated to submit the required reports, containing the specified information, within the timelines set by the Authority. Timely submission is essential for maintaining regulatory oversight and facilitating effective supervision.

Annual Report on Control Details

In addition to routine reporting, certified firms are required, within the stipulated period, to submit an annual report to the Authority. This report must detail the individuals or entities exercising control over the firm, including their names and the level and type of control they hold.

Implications for Certified Firms

Comprehensive Data Submission

Certified firms must ensure that they provide the Authority with a complete set of information as specified. This includes routine reports and an annual overview of control details, contributing to a comprehensive understanding of the firm’s operations.

Adherence to Timelines

Timely submission of reports is critical for maintaining regulatory compliance. Certified firms should establish internal processes to ensure that all required reports are submitted within the stipulated periods.

Transparency in Control Structures

The annual report on control details promotes transparency regarding the individuals or entities exerting influence over a certified firm. This information is vital for regulatory assessment and risk management.

Facilitating Effective Supervision

By fulfilling reporting obligations, certified firms actively contribute to the effectiveness of the regulatory framework. This, in turn, aids the Authority in carrying out its supervisory and investigative responsibilities.


Regulation 20 of the NIFC Regulations, 2021, places a premium on reporting as a means to uphold transparency, regulatory compliance, and effective supervision. Certified firms operating within the Nairobi International Financial Centre play a pivotal role in maintaining the integrity of the financial ecosystem by diligently meeting their reporting obligations to the Authority.